Sunday Sermons (Page 3)
Sermon recordings from Sunday Worship.
Click here for an archive of older sermons.
The Olivet Discourse and the Future of Israel
Tommy Jenkins Matthew 24-25
The Apostle Paul’s True Circumcision Part 2
Jim Davis Living by Faith Series-Various Scriptures
How the War Against Israel is Preparing the World for the End Times
Randall Price Various Scriptures
True Circumcision and the Apostle Paul
Jim Davis Philippians
The Lord’s Prayer
Jerry Mattix John 17
Faith in the Time of Judgement- Pt. 2
Jim Davis Jeremiah 18 and Various Scriptures
Living By Faith in National Judgement
Jim Davis Habakkuk
Faith for the Prophet Habakkuk
Jim Davis Habakkuk 1-3
Failed Faith and the Life of Saul
Jim Davis I Samuel
Israel’s future
Tommy Jenkins Daniel 9:25-27